
MLM Online Strategies to Dominate Search Engines in Less Than 24 Hours

MLM Online Article Marketing Strategies That Took Toby & I to the First Page of Google OvernightLast Wednesday, Toby and I were on our weekly MLM online strategies Webinar when we were exposed to a strategy that has completely changed our way of marketing online. The expert hosting the Webinar, David Wood, has generated 33,000 leads in 3 months using only these online strategies. No matter who you are, numbers like that are Iphone 4s Earphone amazing considering he's only been using this one online strategy and marketing with our system for 6 months. People have been publishing Articles for many years now, but David Wood's online strategies are taking it to a completely different level. Usually writers will put a lot of effort into the articles, find a cutting edge topic and look up the information, and put their piece together, and the let it set sail online with the other millions of authors. On the far off MLM island, your work waits, with no bridges to it and no visitors coming. Utilizing Article Marketing will provide your MLM business with amazing results if you do it right because of the search engine rankings alone. If the article is structured correctly and is promoted in the right way you can reach the top any search engine you like for pretty much any MLM keyword you choose. WHY?Google loves original work and relevent issues. Meaning if you write a well structured article with all the right keys being pushed and you have consistantly promotion to avoid it getting trapped on that MLM island your articles can be at the top of any keyword search that you want. This is where this amazing online strategy comes into play.Ok so picture being able to write ONE article on any MLM subject and with a few simple steps that article is up for the Internet to read on over 300 sites, while having over 300 links pointing back to the original location of the article. Remember that Google loves original articles? So what if you could change the article unlimited amounts of times? So every time it is posted it will be a completely different version of the post that came before and the one coming up next.This is our 5 step daily process to dominate the search engines within 48 hours1.Write a piece of original content. You can write about so many things, new start ups, new training, top earners. You get our drift.2.Get that content on the Blog and use a tool called OnlyWire to book mark it on the top social media sites by simply clicking ok.3.We then post a quick half a minute video telling people to read our most recent article to Traffic Geyser. Using the original link to drive all the traffic to.4.Copy and Paste the Article into the Automatic Article Submitter and re spin every sentence 2-3 times.5.Press Submit and you're in business.It's just that simple.The advanced MLM marketers have been using the Automatic Article Submitter for a while now. Now are articles have more power and punch.By recently implementing these online strategies Layla and I have been able to generate more leads than we have time we have generated 200% more leads Android Phones and launched our online MLM business straight to profits..

